Executive Officers:

Tona Williams is the 2024-2025 President.

Email the President at president@juniorleaguesj.com.

Samijo Mitchell is the 2024-2025 President-Elect. The President-Elect is the leader of the recruitment efforts of the JLSJ.

Email the President-Elect at president.elect@juniorleaguesj.com. 

Emily Lindsay is the 2024-2025 Vice President of Community Impact. The VP of Community Impact acts as a liaison between the JLSJ and community groups and organizes volunteer opportunities with agencies around the St Joseph community.

Email the Vice President of Community Impact at community.impact@juniorleaguesj.com.

Traci Magee is the 2024-2025 Vice President of Finance. The VP of Finance is the custodian of the funds of the JLSJ.

Email the Vice President of Finance at finance.vp@juniorleaguesj.com.

Brittany Hagenhoff is the 2024-2025 Vice President of Communications.

Email the Vice President of Communications at communications@juniorleaguesj.com.

Ashley Jonas is the 2024-2025 Vice President of Fundraising. The VP of Fundraising is responsible for the coordination of JLSJ fundraising.

Email the Vice President of Fundraising at fundraising.vp@juniorleaguesj.com.

Metchel Rosmolen is the 2024-2025 Vice President of Membership Relations. The VP of Membership Relations is responsible for New Member class education.

Email the Vice President of Membership Relations at member.relations@juniorleaguesj.com.

Stephanie Hartley is the Immediate Past President for the 2024-2025 League Year.

Board of Directors:

Rachael Bittiker is the 2024-2025 Allocations Director. The Allocations Director is responsible for creating, publicizing, and accepting applications for Grants, Funds, or Scholarships.

Email the Allocations Director at allocations@juniorleaguesj.com.

Allison Atkinson is the 2024-2025 Advocacy Director. The Advocacy Director brings forward any current events or issues that relate to the mission and vision of the JLSJ and coordinates with the fundraising committee for advocacy related events, such as The St. Joseph Women’s Forum. She also coordinates the JLSJ’s annual trip to Jefferson City for participation in Advocacy Day for the Junior Leagues of Missouri.

Email the Advocacy Director at advocacy@juniorleaguesj.com.

Megan Murray is the 2024-2025 Cinderella’s Closet Director. Learn more about Cinderella’s Closet here and more about current giveaways here.

Email the Cinderella’s Closet Director at cinderella.closet@juniorleaguesj.com.

Brandi Dredge is the 2024-2025 Assistant Cinderella’s Closet Director


Rachel Stroud is the 2024-2025 Public Relations Director. The Public Relations Director coordinates social media, assists with website upkeep, email lists, and press releases.

Email the Public Relations Director at public.relations@juniorleaguesj.com.

Jen Lewandwoski is the 2024-2025 Member and Sustainer Engagement Director. The Member and Sustainer Engagement Director serves as a liaison between current and sustaining members of the JLSJ.

Email the Member and Sustainer Engagement Director at engagement@juniorleaguesj.com.

Debbie White is the 2024-2025 Education, Development, and Wellness Director.